01 December, 2008

Thanksgiving Rambling

Our Thanksgiving was a bit modest this year, but still nice. It was just my folks, the kitties, and me. Christine couldn't come down for it as she had to work on Black Friday, and Matthew worked Thanksgiving Day (Yay for double time!), but had the next three days off (Yay for a long weekend!).

We're not really "big" on Thanksgiving here anyway. I mean, we always celebrate it with the obligatory meal, and I usually watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade--well, some of it anyway. I always feel bad if I don't see some of it--even though, in all honesty, I do find it a bit of a bore. I don't think I could handle viewing the whole thing.

Anyway . . . I love when we actually have company for Thanksgiving--like we did in 2004 when my brother-in-law, Howard, and our friend Edward (on the right in the photo on the previous post) came to visit. That was one of the best Thanksgiving's I can remember. Not so much for the actual Thanksgiving Day part, but just because I must admit that I do like to have company, especially on holidays. Everything about a holiday seems extra cosy with company.

I think too, that Thanksgiving will be different when we have children--of the non-kitty persuasion. On top of things, Matthew's English, so, well, aside from the fact that he loves the typical meal . . . . Although, really, it should mean more to him. I mean, the Pilgrims were English. ;-)

Here was my Thanksgiving meal.

Organic peas, organic stuffing, organic cranberry sauce (Yes, we try to buy only organic.), and Quorn™ Turk'y Roast. Everything was YUMMY!

On a different note, I am patting myself on the back for having gotten the Christmas cards done last evening, and having posted them today! This is the earliest that that task's ever been done. Now I can mark that off of my list. :-)

Tomorrow is another round of house hunting. My mother and I (Matthew is working) are going to have a look at two possibilities. I have high hopes for both--at the moment anyway . . . .

For now, it's back to some pressie making finishing touches and perhaps a bit of package wrapping.

21 November, 2008


Yay! Guess who's coming to visit?

Is it the 27th of January yet?

20 November, 2008


Believe it or not, I cooked tonight. If you know me, then you know I don't usually do this much--although I am trying to do so more. I must say, having a chef for a husband is a wonderful thing (I highly recommend you find yourself one.) and something that makes a wife a very spoilt woman--that is, when he is actually not at work, and in your own kitchen cooking for you.

I must also add, that even though I am deemed "a chef's worst nightmare," because I am a vegetarian who--more often than not--eats vegan, I am beyond fortunate to have a chef husband who is incredibly skilled at preparing vegetarian and vegan meals that are simply amazing! I'm talking of meals that are not just pasta and some veg. He does delicious things with Quorn™ , like mock General Tso and fajitas. Those are just two of my favourite meals, and they don't even scratch the surface of Matthew's cooking prowess--with or without Quorn™. You name it, and he can make it for you vegetarian or vegan style (or carnivore style)--and the taste is phenomenal!

However, we are talking about my having cooked tonight. Melissa, the novice. The baker. The one that Matthew says he wouldn't want in his brigade because I am too bloody slow. It might have taken some time, but I made Pav Bhaji tonight. I found the recipe by way of Ellybeth's flickr site, and it is indeed "awesome." I forgot to put the fresh cilantro on it though. Oops! Well, since Matthew's home tomorrow, maybe he can make something for tea with it? ;-)

18 November, 2008

Christmas Presents and House Hunting

Okay. Today I have burnt up over an hour at Knit Picks deciding on--well, trying to decide on--yarn for this for my sister for Christmas. Now, I have to tell you, when I received this magazine last year, I immediately fell in love with the Earth Stole. That, and just about everything else in the magazine. I always LOVE Rowan's patterns.

I digress, I thought the Earth Stole would be a superb gift for my sister. However, as is usually the case with Rowan lovelies, the price for the yarn that they call for, Kid Silk Haze, is astronomically high in the amount that one needs to complete the project--a whopping $189. For a seasonal item? A stole? As much as I love Christine, that's a bit mental.

So, I'm at Knit Picks because they have lovely and well priced yarn--even if there isn't anything quite as sumptuous as Kid Silk Haze. I have found two, yes, two good substitutes. However, now that I've gone through all of this bother, I am not so certain about this pressie idea. Why am I doubting myself after I have been mulling this idea over for a year? Grr!

I think I'm going to go for it. I mean, Matthew and I had it all planned to get the Wii Fit for Christine, but then my folks swooped in and bought it--knowing, I might add, that we were going to purchase it for her. :-P

So, this has left us without a clue. I mean, usually she's a rather easy person to gift--not so this year. Perhaps it's because we've all sort of realized this year that there isn't really much we want or need. Truly, we did have a discussion about this very topic.

My folks always ask us for an idea list. Mine has eight ideas on it, three of which are books, two DVDs, a set of dishes, and the usual (but always coveted) "I've-run-out-of-ideas-for-you-mother-and-father" gift cards--J.Crew and Superbuzzy this year.

Honestly though, I don't need any of these things. The only thing that Matthew and I really need, is a kitchen table and chairs. That's the one thing that we don't have for the new house--when our house hunting finally comes to fruition.

Hmm . . . I seem to have gotten off track slightly. Now I'm thinking of how I need to check to see if there are any new houses up for sale in the area we are looking.

Right then, I'm off to purchase yarn and to check housing listings. Wish me luck on both accounts!

I leave you with this picture, taken at a house we were viewing . . . .

Update: As soon as I finished this post, my mother rang to inform me that she had just spoken with my sister, and had asked what she might like for Christmas. An iPod or other MP3 player or this . . . .

17 November, 2008

One of Those Days♦

Ugh! It's one of those bloody days--again. I couldn't sleep--also again--last night, thus I got up late today, and so I feel like hell. To top things off, I'm incredibly grumpy. Watch out poor husband, mother, and neighbour kid.

It's not as though I don't have a million things to do, and when I get a late start to the day, well, then most of said things just don't get accomplished. Perhaps I should have taken my doctor up on the sleeping meds she so readily offered? Hmm . . . Perhaps not.

So, now that I've wasted even more time complaining about my late start to things, I'm off to finish knitting and sewing some Christmas pressies for family and friends. Quite rightly, Matthew has imposed a deadline on me for finishing such goodies that need to be sent to Old Blighty--the end of next week. Anything later, and we face queuing at the Post Office for hours. Oh, and perhaps I shall finally get around to folding the towels I've left sitting in the basket for two days.

Well, before I do all of said things, I reckon I shall go fix something for dinner. Where's my chef husband when I need him? ;-)

16 November, 2008

Little Bits Returns

I know I set this blog up sometime last year. Oh well, I suppose I'll start anew.