I must admit it . . . I don't like the summer. I feel bad saying that, but how can you enjoy it when it's so bloody hot and humid out?!
It was in the mid 90s (Fahrenheit) today with grotesquely high humidity. It's supposed to be in the hundreds tomorrow, and continue like this for the next few days. Now please, how can this be enjoyable?
I am like a recluse during the summer. I stay in my nicely air conditioned home and only venture out if needs must during the day. (Hmm . . . So I guess I'm more like a vampyre than a recluse.) Night doesn't get much cooler here, but at least you don't have the sun beating down on you--and if you know me, then you know the sun is not my friend. "Ghostly white" is my natural colouring, and a few moments in the sun sans sunblock equals burnt Melissa. (Not that I go out in the sun without sunblock, mind.)
This weather hinders my baking plans as well. Who wants to heat the house up even for something as delicious as almond chocolate chip cookies? Newly acquired Plum Kuchen recipe, you're on the 'back burner' for now. But wait! My mini doughnut pans will be here Tuesday. Oh please, hell-like weather, do abate! The mini doughnuts must be made!
Autumn, you cannot get here soon enough for me. . . .